
Flamingo Day Out

My submission for the Talenthouse Contest “Dream in Colours” by Billabong Girls Europe (July 2013)

The project was a good training for me in photography and desktop publishing as it sometimes seems to be a looong way from the material over different layouts to the final version… Read More


Concepts for Creativity

Concept work…

I do not publish to land the big deal but to experiment and discover methods of creative production.I absolutely dislike unlicenced copying. For the fact of inspiration to others I just publish some of my ideas and test them a kind of competitive environment.

Feel free to comment!

Day 1

So that is it, my webspace. I am happy you found your way here!
My website is still a bit ‘wet behind the ears’.

Please check on updates in my blog and portfolio showcase in two weeks. I just start with introducing my work, concepts and background.
Feel free to drop me a line via e-mail, if you like to get further information on my freelance work or plans for cooperations with other artists.